Hi All,
I wanted to share an excerpt from chapter 1 of Wilde Accusation with you.
I looked up when I heard the bell over the door chime. As the teen girls left with their purchases, Jack Ransom, a coyote shifter, stormed into the store. He looked around and zeroed in on Aunt Jody.
"You better fix this, Jody!" he yelled as he stomped across the store.
Aunt Jody looked up, an innocent expression on her face, "What is it you want me to fix, Jack?"
"You know damn well what I want you to fix," he growled.
"I'm sorry, Jack, I really don't," she said, all innocent.
"I have boils on my butt," he said through gritted teeth, "and you put them there."
"Oh, Jack," Aunt Jody said, "I put boils on the butt of the coyote that was chasing my geese last night. Was that you? Should I alert the sheriff that you're shifting and attacking poultry?"
"Th tha that wasn't me, it it must have b been a real coyote," Jack stammered. "N no need t to go to the sh sheriff."
"Well, if you weren't the one chasing my geese then I couldn't have put boils on your butt," she said reasonably. "They must have occurred naturally."
"You're right, they must be natural," he said and practically ran out of the store.
"Stay away from my geese," Aunt Jody called after him.